To be honest, there’s not really a good answer to this because no two cases are alike and no two people are impacted by their injury in the same way. Therefore, no attorney, can instantly tell you how much your claim is going to be worth and how much money you could be entitled to. Once you have been evaluated and started receiving treatment for your injury, your attorney can work with you to make sure you’re receiving the proper benefits and you receive a fair conclusion to your case.
Much like the previous question, there’s also no good answer to this because each case is so unique. If your injury isn’t serious and your full recovery is essentially guaranteed, your case will probably be relatively short, lasting nothing more than a few weeks to a few months. However, if your employer decides to deny your claims or appeal any decisions that go in your favor (or you do the same to them), then your case will likely extend much longer, possibly even taking years to come to a full conclusion after all appeal options are exhausted.
If you were seriously injured on the job or waited a few days before reporting an injury to your employer, it’s not all that uncommon for your claim to be denied or delayed. This is a fairly normal tactic for insurance companies who wish to protect their bottom line. It will make the claim process more difficult unfortunately, but with an Orange County workers’ compensation attorney’s help, you can still obtain a successful conclusion to your case. Speak with one today and get their help filing an appeal with your employer.
Not only is this highly unethical, it’s also illegal. California law protects “whistleblowers” from repercussions, which includes people who are injured on the job as well as those who report theft or dishonest business practices they notice from management. If you have been fired not long after your injury, even if your employer claims it’s for a completely unrelated reason, you should still speak with an attorney, as you may have an employment law case as well as an injury claim on your hands.
If you have been seriously injured and need immediate medical attention, you should not hesitate to obtain it right away. Don’t wait for word from your employer, as this could cause your condition to worsen. However, if your injury is not this level of serious, you should report it to your employer, who will make arrangements for you to see a doctor within their network. If they fail to do so, you are allowed to see your own doctor in most circumstances. Talk with an attorney before you do this, but you should not have any trouble seeing a doctor soon after your injury.
A settlement is when one side agrees to the resolution terms put forth by the opposition. Most settlements are a large lump sum of money based on the condition and perceived future needs of the injured individual, however they can also be a smaller sum and an agreement to pay all medical expenses related to the injury in the future.
You can file a workers’ compensation claim on your own through your employer, however, it’s strongly advised you have someone on your side when doing so. Your employer and their insurance company will likely be on the lookout to protect their own bottom lines and save money, and this can result in you being denied treatments or benefits that you are entitled to or which could dramatically improve your quality of life after an injury. Having an attorney advise you throughout your case will help you make better-educated decisions and avoid any settlement offers that may sound appealing but are actually deeply unfair to you.
If you’re looking for an attorney to help you with your case, call Humphrey & Associates today by dialing (844) 612-5800 and put more than 20 years of experience on your side when you have been injured at work! Se habla Español.