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Do I Really Need a Workers’ Comp Lawyer?

If you’ve recently suffered a workplace injury, you are eligible to collect compensation for medical bills and lost wages through your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance. The application for workers’ comp is relatively simple, and you can get by without an attorney if all of the following are true:

  • You suffered a minor workplace injury.
  • You missed little or no work due to your injury.
  • Your employer admits the injury happened at work.
  • You don’t have any pre-existing conditions

Even in a simple and uncomplicated situation, it may be wise to have a conversation with a workers’ compensation lawyer about your case, especially if they offer free consultations. An attorney can walk you through the process of filing a claim, warn you of potential pitfalls, and give you an honest opinion about whether you can handle the case on your own.

There are some situations that do require the assistance of a lawyer, however. Some cases can become complicated when an employer denies your claim, your settlement doesn’t cover your lost wages or medical bills, or your boss retaliates against you for filing a workers’ comp claim.

If these complications happen, you may have to take your employer or his or her insurance company to court. A lawyer can be exceedingly helpful if you need to dispute a denied claim because he or she can ensure you file necessary forms and meet all deadlines.

If you need help filing a workers’ compensation claim or appealing a denial, talk to one of our skilled Orange County workers’ compensation lawyers today. Humphrey & Associates has been helping employees recover compensation for more than 20 years. Let us see what we can do for you.

Contact us at (844) 612-5800 or fill out our online form to schedule a free case consultation today.
